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A modern and intuitive website for Dr Kulvinder Lall.

MagnifyLab were appointed to design and build a new responsive website for UK’s leading heart surgeon. Our collaborative and creative approach led to a superb outcome.

Kulvinder Lall

Leading cardiothoracic surgeons in the UK

Kulvinder Lall is one of the leading cardiothoracic surgeons in the UK and is recognised globally for his work within the medical field. In 2018, Kulvinder featured on a groundbreaking programme called ‘Operation Live’ which aired on Channel 5. During the 2 hour long episode, Kulvinder carried out open-heart surgery by replacing a patients aortic valve.

This insightful episode gained UK wide media recognition, that also resulted in Kulvinder Lall being nominated for a BAFTA award.

Kulvinder Lall’s previous website was rather dated and not mobile responsive. Our main duty was to design and build a contemporary website that not only reinforced Kulvinder’s position as a leading cardiothoracic surgeon but was also easy to navigate for all website visitors.

Once we understood the main objectives for Kulvinder’s new website, we started the research phase of the project. Our plan was to design an innovative website that reinforced Kulvinder’s reputation within the medical field, was seamless to navigate, and easy on the eye.

Everyone was very pleased with the finished article, which makes good use of design and imagery.

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Your provide the product and the vision. We provide the growth team for full-funnel digital marketing.